[support] question re multi-sites

Cog Rusty cog.rusty at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 18:03:42 UTC 2007

On 6/26/07, Jean Gazis <jgazis at gmail.com> wrote:
> My sites are installed as multi-sites under one Drupal installation with my
> host. They are set up the way it says here: http://drupal.org/node/53705
> How I can I ask the host to make it so that it shows the path relative to
> the site instead of to the main installation? I.e. so we aren't always
> showing paths like this:
> http://urbanorganic.jeangazis.com/sites/urbanorganic.jeangazis.com/files/images/gourds.jpg
> , but just the stuff after /sites/? We have clean urls installed.

I don't believe your host can do anything about this. Actually I don't
believe that it is good to put your files under
drupal/sites/yoursite.com/files because that gives you paths
containing the site name (which is bad for test sites) without any
real benefit. I prefer drupal/files/s1 where s1 is a short symbolic
name for a site.

There are workaround though... One way which has been suggested is to
create symlinks like drupal/files/s1 which actually will point to
drupal/sites/yoursite.com/files. In this way you can have your files
under drupal/sites/yoursite.com/files if you prefer it that way, while
you can refer to them using drupal/files/s1 both in your files system
settings and in your actual links.

More specifically, after creating your "sites/yoursite.com/files"
directory, a command such as (for example)

ln -s /home/user/public_html/sites/yoursite.com/files

will create a "files/s1" symlink which will behave like a directory
and will represent that directory of yours, and you will be using
"files/s1" everywhere.

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