[support] nodeaccess assist?

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 4 13:21:45 UTC 2007

Quoting Simon Swegles <simon at swegles.com>:

> Is there a way to set nodeaccess grants to be default for a particular
> node type? I have a situation in which I want users to be able to create
> content, and then only the creating user and a particular group will
> have access to the content. Nodeaccess pretty much fits the bill, but
> the grants are only made available globally, rather than being actually set.

I've seen this discussed before.  There is currently no method to 
control the access to the content at the node level within the Drupal 
core.  I haven't researched on what might be possible but nodeaccess 
would have to be able to hook into the access control features and 
provide new methods to control the content viewing at the node level.  
I don't know if that is currently doable.  I don't think it is being 
considered for drupal 6 either (see: 
http://drupal.org/drupal-6-status-update) so maybe it can be suggested 
for version 7.


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