[support] Categorising and displaying content

Emma Badger emma.badger at chocolateteapot.net
Tue Jul 14 16:17:55 UTC 2009

http://jane-hr.co.uk/drupal/ (latest version of Drupal)

I'm categorising my content using taxonomy and displaying the  
categories in a menu using the taxonomy-menu module.  The way that the  
menu is being displayed is just what I want, but I'd like to change  
the way that the linked pages display.

When clicking on a categories menu link, is it possible/feasible to  
get the page to

Category name
Category description
Sub categories if any (at this level only, not any further down) with  
Category content if any (at this level only, not any further down)  
(stories, pages etc)

Is this something I could achieve with Views (which I've looked at but  
find very confusing)?

As an example the WebParts link (third level, below HR Portal, within  
the left hand menu) I'd like:

HR Portal (Term Title)

This is a description of the category (Term Description)

(Term Content - Stories, Pages etc)
HR WebParts - Overview
HR WebParts - Requirements

See also -
(Categories in the next level down)
WebParts Catalogue

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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