[support] taxonomy_tree/Views/super user

Emma Badger emma.badger at chocolateteapot.net
Fri Jul 24 11:52:16 UTC 2009

I've been able to create a menu tree to access nodes using Views which  
works when I'm logged in as Superuser/Admin, but fails when I'm not  
logged in.

(I'm assuming) the View creates a list of nodes associated with the  
selected term.  When I click on one of the nodes in the list (WHEN I'M  

Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /sites/all/ 
modules/taxonomy_treemenu/taxonomy_treemenu.module on line 2367

     case "taxmenu/%/node/%/%":
         //Treemenus have no node links. To control exansion, we  
target the
         //parent tid link.
         $item['href'] = 'category/' . $item['page_arguments'][0] 
['vid'] . $item['page_arguments'][1]['parent_path'];

This is line 2367
         $item['href'] = 'category/' . $item['page_arguments'][0] 
['vid'] . $item['page_arguments'][1]['parent_path'];

The URL that the View has constructed is /taxmenu/menu-ol-hlp/node/ 

The same URL works when I'm logged in as Admin.

I'm using the default taxonomy_router_term and taxonomy_router_node.

I'm assuming that it's something to do with taxonomy_router_node.  The  
access is set to unrestricted and anyway I'd expect some kind of  
warning about permissions, not an error.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

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