[support] taxonomy_treemenu module/views/Cannot use string offset as an array
Emma Badger
emma.badger at chocolateteapot.net
Tue Jul 28 15:07:31 UTC 2009
I'm using the most recent versions of Drupal, Views and Taxonomy
The taxonomy treemenus are generating successfully, using the default
view (taxonomy_router_term).
I'm having problems accessing the content when I'm NOT logged in as
admin. I'm using the default view (taxonomy_router_node) and access
is set to unrestricted.
The 'authenticated user' (which I understand is everyone that is not
logged in?) gets
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /sites/all/
modules/taxonomy_treemenu/taxonomy_treemenu.module on line 2367
whereas the admin user gets to see the content.
If I give the authenticated user 'Administer Nodes' permissions I do
not get the error and I do see the content, however that means that
anyone can create content, which is not what I want. Interestingly
applying all create, delete, edit permissions (but NOT administer
nodes) brings back the error.
This is the code.
case "taxmenu/%/node/%/%":
//Treemenus have no node links. To control exansion, we
target the
//parent tid link.
$item['href'] = 'category/' . $item['page_arguments'][0]
['vid'] . $item['page_arguments'][1]['parent_path'];
Specifically, line 2367 is
$item['href'] = 'category/' . $item['page_arguments'][0]
['vid'] . $item['page_arguments'][1]['parent_path'];
Logged in as admin $item['page_arguments'] returns:
[0] => Array
[menu_name] => menu-ol-hlp
[title] => Online Help
[description] => Jane Systems online help
[vid] => 13
[tid] => 0
[options] => a:3:{s:6:"filter";a:0:{}s:6:"fields";a:0:{}s:
[1] => Array
[0] => Array
[tid] => 55
[title] => System Setup
[1] => Array
[tid] => 68
[title] => Authorisation Centre
[parent_path] => /55/68
[2] => 25
But when I'm not logged in I get
I can see that $item['page_arguments'] isn't being turned into an
array, but I can't see why.
I've been trying to trace back $router_items to see how it gets
generated, but I can't seem to find it.
I'd really appreciate any help.
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