[support] D6 hook_menu

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Mar 19 12:19:57 UTC 2009

Quoting Fred Jones <fredthejonester at gmail.com>:

> I have looked through the docs about this but I don't understand how
> this works. I want to send URLs of the type foo/% and also foo/%/% to
> the same function, but it seems to me that I must use
>  $items['foo/%'] = array(
> and
>  $items['foo/%/%'] = array(
> Using just one or the other is failing for me. Am I missing something
> or is this how it must be done? Two different items?

Yes, that is how it's done.  For the sample you give above you also 
want to pass 'page arguments' => array(1) to the foo/% item and 'page 
arguments' => array(1, 2) to the foo/%/% item.

Earnie  http://r-feed.com
  Make a Drupal difference and review core patches.

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