[support] MyISAM vs InnoDB

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Mar 23 19:59:25 UTC 2009

Quoting Ivan Sergio Borgonovo <mail at webthatworks.it>:

> And unless support for MyISAM and sqlite is going to be dropped, and
> I don't think right now is a good choice, using more "advanced"
> DB features in core would be a double pain.

I don't know about sqlite but MyISAM would continue to work even if we 
code for the transactional update.  It would just lock tables instead 
of rows and the cascading would not occur.  If warned it would be up to 
the user to make a determination to continue with MyISAM or move to a 
new provider.

Earnie  http://r-feed.com
  Make a Drupal difference and review core patches.

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