[support] Anonymous Pages that Don't Cache, Even for Anonymous Users

Shai Gluskin shai at content2zero.com
Thu Apr 8 17:52:23 UTC 2010


After some weird load spikes and reboots on my dedicated server, I'm trying
to set up better monitoring of my server.

At websitepulse.com I can easily set up performance testing on a web page
which should give me a sense of server load. (I can also do fancier stuff
like write a script that returns key words based on server load that
websitepulse will look for and then alert me about. But that will take some

So what I want is a Drupal page, available anonymously, that won't get
cached by Drupal. Is that true for search result pages? Any other ideas?

I could implement this on a D6 or D7 site.


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