[support] How add a node into drupal database directly.

Cory Gilliam imaaxa at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 15:08:58 UTC 2010

>>Can any one has idea how to add a node into Drupal database directly
>>without using drupal interface?

Here is the file I used to do the same thing.  place it in your root dir,
Then go to it like a web page.  www.here.com/file.php.

A large number of files will make it time out, so you will have to check the
last row inserted was, remove those from the list, save it, and run it
again.  Your hosting site might change the php time out setting for you.

You will need to set up a folder for your csv file to be, and a folder for a
renamed copy to be saved.

After you are done, move the file off your server for security reasons.  I
am not sure if it could be use maliciously, but why take the chance.

The file is commented, hopefully very well.  Email me if you have any

This is modified  code I got from Paul Couture that he demoed at the 2010
Nashville Drupal Camp.  I hope you can get it to work for you.

imaaxa at gmail.com
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