[support] how to preserve current checkbox values if validation fails

Daniel Caillibaud ml at lairdutemps.org
Tue Apr 20 12:47:25 UTC 2010

Le 20/04/10 à 11:49, Daniel Caillibaud <ml at lairdutemps.org> a écrit :

> (I'll look what happen with a standard nodetype as page to better understand fapi process)

Fapi process is quite clear http://drupal.org/node/165104, but if _validate functions are called, when a previous validation
fails (no title), changes made there on form or form_state are ignored then by drupal_render :-(

to test

function mymodule_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  else if($form_id == 'page_node_form') {
    $form['#after_build'][] = '_test_after_build';
    $form['#validate'][] = '_test_validate';
    $form['#submit'][] = '_test_submit';

function _test_validate(&$form, &$form_state) {
  drupal_set_message('_test_validate with build_id=' .$form['#build_id']);
  $form['body']['#value'] = 'My new body modified in _test_validate on form';
  $form_state['values']['body'] = 'My new body modified in _test_validate via form_state';
  $form['title']['#default_value'] = 'My new modified title in _test_validate';
  if ($errors = form_get_errors()) {
    // this is executed when title validation fails
    drupal_set_message(edulibre_get_dump($errors, 'errors already fired in _test_validate'));
  drupal_set_message(edulibre_get_dump($form, 'form in _test_validate'));
  drupal_set_message(edulibre_get_dump($form_state, 'form_state in _test_validate'));
  return $form;

But then, in drupal_render (and of course on screen), we have the $form in its state before our _test_validate :-/


PS: my custom dump function (MAXDUMPS is set to prevent too much krumo tree, if not javascript could become really slow)

function edulibre_get_dump($var, $str='', $krumo=TRUE) {
  static $i = 0;
  if ($i < MAXDUMPS) {
    if ($krumo && function_exists('has_krumo') && has_krumo()) {
      return 'Starting dumping (<strong style="color:#a00">' 
        .$str .'</strong>)<br />' .krumo_ob($var) ."\nEnd of dump ($str)<br />";
    else {
      // a more classical dump...
      echo "Starting dumping  ($str)<br /><pre>";
      // var_export($var); // "Nesting level too deep" could be fired
      echo "</pre>\nEnd of dump ($str)<br />";
      $out = ob_get_contents();
      return str_replace("=>\n", '=> ', $out); // to compact a little bit output
  else {
    return "Max dumps reached (" .MAXDUMPS .") : $str)";

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