[support] Blank Page Overriding Taxonomy Term Page With Views

Steve Edwards killshot91 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 19:38:18 UTC 2010

I'm trying to create a custom taxonomy listing page using Views and pathauto, and I'm running into something wierd that I can't figure out.  Here's the steps I took:

1) Set URL alias pattern of so that for taxonomy terms, it generates an alias of category/termname (i.e. in my case category/news, category/reviews, etc.)
2) Create a taxonomy view with a block display listing the Taxonomy:Term field as a link to its taxonomy term page
3) Created a new display in the default taxonomy_term view with a path of category/%.

So my block works fine, where each link is mysite.com/category/termname.  However, when I go to that link, all I get is a blank page.  I have empty text in the view, but that' isn't displayed.  It works fine in the views preview, so I know the view is set up properly.

Now, if I change the path for the view slightly - to something like categories/termname - the page works fine, but that means I have to go back and regenerate all my aliases again, which I'd rather not do if I don't have to.   It seems like I'm conflicting with something, but I can't figure out where.  It's certainly not in the taxonomy_term view or any other view I can see.

Any suggestions as to what I could be conflicting with or other things to check?



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