[support] Advanced-blog - sql error

Dick Middleton dick at fouter.net
Sat Feb 27 21:41:47 UTC 2010


	I've just installed advanced_blog.  It seems to do the right thing when
user is admin but when user is a user it gives the following error:

user warning: Unknown column 'n.nid' in 'on clause' query: SELECT
node.nid, node.created FROM node INNER JOIN node_access na ON na.nid =
n.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all')
OR (na.gid = 4 AND na.realm = 'content_access_author') OR (na.gid = 2
AND na.realm = 'content_access_rid') OR (na.gid = 3 AND na.realm =
'content_access_rid') OR (na.gid = 5 AND na.realm =
'content_access_rid') OR (na.gid = 2 AND na.realm = 'forum_access') OR
(na.gid = 3 AND na.realm = 'forum_access') OR (na.gid = 5 AND na.realm =
'forum_access'))) AND ( node.type = 'blog' AND node.status = 1 AND
node.uid = 4 )ORDER By node.created DESC in
on line 390.

Curiously when I look at line 390 in advanced_blog.module it doesn't
look like that at all.  It looks like:

$query = "SELECT node.nid, node.created FROM {node} WHERE node.type =
'blog' AND node.status = 1 AND node.uid = " . $account->uid . " ORDER By
node.created DESC";
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql($query));

I'm a bit perplexed by this;  I can't find a query similar to the quoted
error query in the advanced_blog.module.

It seems to be related to the advanced_blog:navigation block as when
that is not used the error goes away.

I was hoping somebody could help me understand what is going on here.


Dick Middleton
dick at fouter.net
PGP Key ID: 0x9F9434FD

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