[support] Finding device id or mobile phone number

Peter Horn peter.horn at bigpond.com
Wed Jun 23 08:24:43 UTC 2010

On 06:59, Scott wrote:
> In regards to my Citysearch API module, tracking clicks from mobile
> devices requires that a device id or phone number be included in the
> javascript arguments.  I don't know where to find this information.  My
> mobile phone has been borrowed for the day so I can only emulate on
> firefox.  I've looked through the output of phpinfo() and
> $requestingDevice->getAllCapabilities(); but can find nothing that looks
> appropriate.  I suspect that the wurfl API contains a function I'm
> unaware of. My google searches have so far come up empty.
Hi Scott,
Sorry to disappoint you, but you won't get anything consistent from a 
phone browser in terms of device identity. There are two things that 
might help:
1. There is likely to be a x-something request header added by the WAP 
gateway which will be something the telco could use to identify the 
subscriber. This would probably work for uniqueness.
2. A 'trusted' app installed on the phone can access some identity 
information and send it in an http request, but that means basically 
writing a browser from scratch and going throught a long, painful and 
expensive verification process.
Essentially, you are a victim of the mobile phone security model(s).
Not very cheerful, but I hope this helps.


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