[support] Views-Slideshow problems

Roger arelem at bigpond.com
Sun Nov 14 10:32:31 UTC 2010

Using a modified sea_breeze theme in drupal 6.19

Using views slideshow I have a number of quotations, each fades every 12 
seconds to the next.
The background is a semi transparent png.
Works very well once I am logged in but does not display the quotes 
before log in.
What causes this please?

The view block is in the Content block displaced to show in bottom right 
corner of the header so it is not dependent on the header for placement.

If I place the views slideshow block in the header block, it does not 
display but does in the content and footer blocks.
I used a green 2px border around the block and this can be seen when the 
header changes.
I have tried z-index from 0 to 80,  to try placing it on top of the 
header- no good.
With the header image off, the border displays but there's no text in 
the block.

I would appreciate some help understanding this please.

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