[support] Place holders in SQL query

Austin Einter austin.einter at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 00:55:16 UTC 2011

When we do a SQL query, if we want to pass value to query, we make use %d
for integers or %s for strings.
Similarly do we have any place holders for arrays.

I am facing a below typical problem, can somebody tell me what should I do?

Below query works fine.
SELECT skillid FROM {resubmt_skills}  WHERE resubmt_skills.skillname
IN (*'PHP',
'HTML', 'SQL'*)

But in above query search string  *'PHP', 'HTML', 'SQL' *is hard coded.
I want to make the query generic.

Lets say in custom search form, user entered search string PHP, Telecom,
HTML,, so how can I write a generic query.

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