[support] Auto increment fields

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 19 19:08:42 UTC 2011

Austin Einter wrote:
> Anybody observed, the auto-increment fileds in a table is NOT always
> incremented by 1 with each row insert.
> But as per SQL manual it should be increased by 1.
> Is this behavior Ok? Or I am doing something wrong.
> Note: I do  not write any value to this coulmn in my INSERT statement, this
> coulmn values are set by system automatically.
> Values I have seen for auto-incrment field -> 1,2,3,4,8,9,10,18,19,20 etc...
> So in between the values incremented by more than 1.

I'm going to guess that some inserts failed but ended up incrementing
the auto-increment value.  This shouldn't be a real problem, just looks
weird to you.  The other scenario is that an insert happened followed by
a delete, the delete doesn't reset the auto-increment value since rows
can be deleted in the middle.

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