[support] Drush changes permissions and overwrites, htaccess

Daniel Germer daniel at triple5.org
Mon Dec 17 19:42:35 UTC 2012

But drush is still changing permissions to 750 on the root > > directory
on the remote server. This disables the site until I > > reset the
permissions to 755. 
>> > DocumentRoot should never be able to be read by others.  Drush is
>> > doing a good thing here.  The DocumentRoot group should match that of
>> > the user id executing httpd.  This would allow the httpd user to read
>> > the DocumentRoot directory with 750 permissions.
>   Thanks Ernie. I will contact the hoster for the appropriate way to
>   handle this.
>   cheers
Sorry for not using the exact terms, of course it is user - group - other
"user" == file owner and
"other" == the rest of the world.
In filezilla for example it is called owner, group and Public
permissions, but this all boils down to the same point:

You should not have to make a file world/public/other - accessible if
you want to keep your pants on ;-)

So right now maybe the file has the following denominations:
drwxrwxr-x  daniel daniel yourfolder
which means that the group and owner bits are daniel
if I want to change it to make it accessible not the world/other/public
then I have to set it
chmod 750
Now apache cannot access it, so I have two options:

 1. I chown the folder (and subcontent - use with greatest care):
    chown -R daniel.www-data yourfolder
    This would be the option that you choose if you have a shell access
    or someway to change the group of your files.
 2. I just add apache to the group daniel (not recommended)

(and yes, technically speaking it is user (u) group (g) and other (o) as
in the bash-script that I use to correct my drupal permissions if I
messed something up see http://mentalitea.com/drupalpermissions.)

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