[support] Drupal 7 Error

Cory Gilliam imaaxa at gmail.com
Fri Nov 9 20:20:32 UTC 2012

If you have just done your initial install.

1. Use phpMyAdmin to drop all the tables in the database.
2. Go into sites/default and delete settings.php
3. Goto www.YourSiteURL.com and run the install again

If there has been nothing done or added to your site, you will not
loose anything and save a lot of frustration.

When you start activating modules, the first one should be backup and
migrate. After you activate it, do a backup of the database.
You will be able to get there by going to: admin/config/system/backup_migrate
Then activate your other modules two or three at a time with a backup
in between. This way you can figure out which one caused this problem.
The backups are so you can go back to before the problem module messed
up the DB and you wont have to go through this all over again.

Hope this helps,


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