[support] Problems with core update

Pat Ferrel pat.ferrel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 24 19:14:53 UTC 2012

Sorry if this is a repeat, not sure if my list membership was set up correctly.

I'm doing a standard core update but update.php does not complete properly. It shows me the updates to perform but the submit spins for a short while (doesn't look like a timeout) then stays on the page. There are no errors reported on the update page. Also the log page contains no errors and I can't find anything in the MySQL or Nginx logs.

One hint that might help me is, what script is executed and what is the url displayed *after* the "update" button is clicked? I'm guessing that the script is never executed from the update submit?

I have done this before and it worked but since the last update I switched to Nginx. Also I performed this specific update on a test box first, using Apache, which worked fine. I then updated the core code on the production box and encountered the above problem. The update.php "location" is listed below from the Nginx config. The production box is Nginx+Ubuntu. 

# -*- mode: nginx; mode:autopair; mode: flyspell-prog; ispell-local-dictionary: "american" -*-
### Configuration file for Drupal if you're not using drush to update your site or run cron.

## Restrict cron access to a specific host.
location = /cron.php {
#    ## If not allowed to run cron then issue a 404 and redirect to the
#    ## site root.
#    if ($not_allowed_cron) {
#        return 404 /;
#    }
   fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
#    ## To use Apache for serving PHP uncomment the line bellow and
#    ## comment out the above.
#    #proxy_pass http://phpapache;

location = /update.php {
   #auth_basic "Restricted Access"; # auth realm
   #auth_basic_user_file .htpasswd-users; # htpasswd file
   fastcgi_pass phpcgi;
   ## To use Apache for serving PHP uncomment the line bellow and
   ## comment out the above.
   #proxy_pass http://phpapache;
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