[themes] Example phptemplate theme

Darrel O'Pry dopry at thing.net
Mon Dec 5 21:46:58 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-12-05 at 16:03 -0500, Rowan Kerr wrote:
> On 12/5/05, Tao Starbow <starbow at citris-uc.org> wrote:
> > Is there a documentation page somewhere that lists/describes all the
> > methods of $node that can be accessed in a template?
> http://drupal.org/phptemplate and http://drupal.org/node/11816
> Basically, the entire node object is available from a node's
> phptemplate file, but I'm not sure how many of drupal's functions are.

Most everything is there.. Objects in drupal pretty much only use
properties, so you won't be finding any node methods....

You can try a '<pre>' . print_r($node, true). '</pre>' to see what all
is in the node.

If you want to see all the function availble from within php template
you can try some of php's introspection functions.

$functions = get_defined_functions();
foreach($functions['user'] as $function) { 


you can also use get_defined_vars and get_defined_constants, etc...

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