[themes] Dreamweaver CS3 Extension for Drupal Themeing

Cary Gordon listuser at chillco.com
Thu Aug 2 21:18:03 UTC 2007

I use Dreamweaver in theme development, and I am curious as to what an
Extension would add to the mix. 

The single biggest issue in theming is organization. The biggest challenge
is balancing flexibility and functionality. I can see that a tool that would
let a designer declare regions in a template, place them visually,
generating valid CSS, and see the results as they went would be useful.
Unfortunately, while Dreamweaver can make it easier to work with the
cascade, it is not so hot on the display side as its default behaviors (what
is displays when a parameter is undeclared) are quite different from those
of popular browsers.

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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