[translations] Translation context

Erik Stielstra info at erikstielstra.nl
Tue Dec 17 10:48:48 UTC 2013

New issue tag: ‘translation context’
See: https://drupal.org/project/issues/search?issue_tags=translation%20context

Regularly I run into conflicting translations. For example ‘Block’ or ‘Case’. Is this ‘Block’ as in "a block in the sidebar” or as in “Block this account” to solve this we have the concept of ‘context’. So the second ‘Block’ may for example receive the context ‘prevent access’ .

Adding a context requires changing the source code. So creation of an issue and discussion with a module maintainer. Not all maintainers are familiar with ‘context’ or even with translation at all, some can’t decide which context to apply and are looking for more feedback. To help us translators to collaborate on getting contexts added, I’ve tagged my context issues with ‘translation context’. Please do tag you issues too and mention them on this mailing list.


Erik Stielstra

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