[consulting] Keeping a pulse on Drupal.org

Kieran Lal kieran at civicspacelabs.org
Wed Apr 12 14:42:31 UTC 2006

Hi, this is a cross post from the documentation list.  It can be  
difficult to keep your Drupal consulting skills sharp with so much  
going on.  Here's a quick overview of what's going on Drupal.org to  
help you focus on popular issues that effect our community but may  
not be on your radar.

Most popular handbook pages -http://drupal.org/handbook/most-popular- 
Four of the top twenty pages are about Drupal indicating people are  
still learning what Drupal is.  Six of the top twenty pages are about  
requirements and installation indicating installation is very  
important.  Six of the top pages are related to themes or PHPTemplate  
indicating themes are very important.

Unmoderated pages- http://drupal.org/moderation-queue
There are approximately 70 pages in the moderation queue.  If there  
is a page that is of interest to you and you are willing to edit it,  
I'll publish it for you.

Handbook pages with comments- http://drupal.org/handbook/comments
There are 3 pages with over 20 comments. There are 33 pages with over  
ten comments.  If a page has 10 or more comments the page needs  
editing.  The three most commented pages are:

Basic Next/Previous Navigation For Nodes http://drupal.org/node/37767
Display the (x) most recent nodes in full from a specific category  
Making additional variables available to your templates http:// 

Most searched terms on Drupal.org- Numbers indicate searches this  
week through Drupal.org
-Anonymous users
     * flexinode (190)
     * gallery (134)
     * ajax (110)
     * menu (103)
     * aggregator2 (99)
     * calendar (97)
     * tinymce (95)
     * taxonomy (90)
     * wiki (83)
     * forum (81)
     * PHPTemplate (79)
     * ldap (78)
     * multisite (77)

Authenticated users
     * cck (128)
     * aggregator (79)
     * tabs (75)
     * creating dynamic nodes (73)
     * rss (61)
     * flexinode (59)
     * free tagging (59)
     * aggregator2 (58)
     * mailhandler (58)
     * tinymce (53)
     * CiviCRM (52)
     * flash (40)
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