[consulting] Drupal Shop talk minutes 2006-11-13

Gregory Heller gregory at civicactions.com
Tue Nov 14 21:55:55 UTC 2006

Drupal Shop Talk Conference Call
Tuesday November 14, 2006 11AM PST

Attending: (irc name: name, city state, website/company: newest favorite
simplymenotu: Larry Moore, Toledo Ohio, ProvingZone.com: views and
ecommerce, panel module
dalin: Dave hansen lange, calgaray, capta
gregory:  Gregory Heller, Seattle WA, civicactions.com: views and cck
jessi:  Jessi, Seattle WA, eggplant media collective: 2 months with
drupal: using lots of blocks now!
laura-pinv: Laura Scott, Boulder CO, PingVision, cck and views a whole
bunch, like where they are going
mgiff: Mike Gifford, openconcept consulting, Ottawa CAN, organic groups
phillipadsmith: Phillip Smith, Toronto CAN, community bandwidth: import html
rorros: Richard Orris, Albany NY: img and img gallery and image attach
tenk: Jeff Micolis, Washington DC, development seed: civinode
Carry Gordan, Cherry Hill Company in LA

CiviNode: works with civicrm 1.4.  allows you to make node objects from
civicrm, and hte other part ties into cck and views.  created content
type for a project and associated civicrm contacts with it.  we can do
views of the projects (CCK nodes) and include civicrm fields in the

Organic Groups: open concept will be putting out an OG hierarchy module
soon which will deal with user permissions and such.  So one group could
then create smaller groups below them.

Organic Groups and internationalization: no big problems.  The i18n and
categories module not working exactly right.  currently working on an
arabic/french english website.

i18n: menus: open concept is going to publish a patch for multi lingual
menus and breadcrumbs.  still more code cleaning going on, but maybe
later this week.
    Volunteer translation: desire to have a different node type so that
unpubished content is different than published content.  Allow users to
submit translations or improvements on the translation.  Most
organizations do not have the resources to do translation, but have
volunteer resources.  How do you manage the workflow of translation.

Phillip: code Sprint on internationalization
2 day code sprint (date TBD).  agenda will be determined next week at
the Toronto DUG meeting.  much of the work will be based on the
discussion and work coming out of the internationalization group.
Gregory suggests documentation and screen cast.

Views & Internationalization:
Allan Dixon might have this solved

Jeff: SMS module.  works with mobile accord (sms aggregator).  made a
drupal 4.6 module.  6-10K people used in on planned parenthood.  the
module takes care of collecting the "users" information.  The module
will need to be upgraded to 4.7 before it goes up.

Alberta Green Party website: 2 different node access modules working at
the same time.
organics groups and node privacy by roll (for policy wiki).  approved
policy only editable by administrators.  organic groups is used for
general working groups.  created a custom module that forces node
privacy by role to only manage the privacy of node types that are not
covered by organic groups.  5.0 might handle this better, but for 4.7
this is extensible and could be used with other

Dave and Gregory and another person have seen phantom nodes created by
unauthorized users.  we need to get to the bottom of this.  the devel
module might be able to see what is causing them.  Might be caused by
robots hitting a certain path.  Would a robot.txt file help? maybe

Capthcha: math captcha
Kitty module: uses an image challenge

Spam bots are a problem, lets start a best practices discussion on the
community page.

Laura: rich coded a multi node module that allows the simple creation of
simple node types and change the node type.
Taxonomy switcher is also a good module for changing taxonomy terms.

Toronto Group: the group is really enthusiastic and ready to work.
regular meeting are important.
Beer is important to getting people out to DUGs
Post new groups to the community group on groups.drupal
Announce in advance what the presentations are going to be.

RootsCampNYC: http://rootscamp.org/RootsCampNYC Saturday the 18th

Gregory Heller
AIM/SKYPE: GregoryHeller

Changing the world one node at a time!

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