[consulting] Current state of newsletter systems

Mark Hope mark at markhope.net
Mon Nov 27 13:48:48 UTC 2006


Just wondering what the current state of the various newsletter mailing 
systems are?

I've looked at simplenews but it is what it says - Simple. I'm sure 
that's what the author intended, however I'm sure there must be a wider 
demand for a more feature rich mailing system?

The features and issues queue that would make Simplenews more complete 
doesn't seem to be moving very quickly.
I think the UI for simplenews is good, but the outgoing mail and 
formatting I find quite poor.

What I'm looking for:

- plain text/html sending options or possibility to send multi-part mail
- Tracking mail/bounces
- Header and footer templates, templates by newsletter type
- embed separate stylesheet for sending with outgoing mail (I suppose 
this could be done within the templates).
- double optin for anonymous/sign up via account page
- ability to host images on server/absolute links to images

I notice there is also a project at:
that consists of several dependent modules. It would look to have more 
of the features expected for a 'professional' email newsletter system 
but isn't released under 4.7??

Can anybody offer any advice or share experience?


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