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Earl Miles merlin at logrus.com
Sun Jan 7 05:34:03 UTC 2007

Bèr Kessels wrote:
> Lets not make the mistake to present Drupal as the ultimate publishing 
> platform solution. Instead let us be honoust: Drupal can be squeezed into a 
> publishing platform with the help of an expert, but it will never be 
> as 'good' as dedicated publishing platforms are.

Later, Bèr Kessels wrote:

> I am saying, I repeat: There are other tools around that do a better job, IF 
> So don't get snappy on me for telling people there are alternatves to Drupal.
> There are. Wordpress IS a better blogging tool for Bob Blogger, if you can't 
> live with that fact, ask Gerhard, if then you are still not convinced then 
> look at the figures.

I WILL get snippy at you for attacking *exactly* what I spend most of my time 
writing tools for.

Views was meant for publishing.
Nodequeue was meant for publishing.
Panels was meant for publishing.
The publishing module was meant for publishing.

You make have made some amount of money off of my tools, and I feel like I was 
just told that I'm working on the wrong platform. You tell me not to get snappy 
at you, and then go on to say the same thing again: I'm writing my tools for 
the wrong platform.

Thanks. I'm glad to know that a year and a half (roughly) of my effort is 
basically wasted. Still can't do what I want it to do, but hey it's still 
pretty good for Ber's company to make a few bucks off of. Hell yes I'm going to 
get snappy at you for that.

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