[consulting] Dedicated/Colocated Servers?

Khalid B kb at 2bits.com
Mon Jan 15 18:51:10 UTC 2007

Regarding separating the DB and the Apache/PHP/Drupal on two VPSs.

Resources that are well partitioned (e.g. CPU and memory) may give
you a gain in performance (or eliminate bottlenecks), and therefore
are normally beneficial.

However, in some cases, such as when the physical dedicated server
has only one disk shared among VPSs, then you could run into
bottlenecks, for example, one VPS runs out of memory and starts
thrashing, then disk access can slow down the rest of the VPSs.

If the server is on a SAN, then it depends on how the SAN is configured
and whether both VPSs go to the same physical disk or not.
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