[consulting] Is this list dead?

Gerhard Killesreiter gerhard at killesreiter.de
Tue Mar 20 11:46:20 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Bill Fitzgerald schrieb:
> Michael Haggerty wrote:
>> Interesting perspective. 
>> While I differ on the effect of market forces on development (from the
>> standpoint that truly innovative products are very difficult to 'clone'), 
> I would disagree -- cloning existing products/services is pretty easy. 
> The relationship between idea and code is a tenuous one, and an I have 
> found that an innovative product usually comes with an innovative take 
> on the market where that product fits -- and that is very difficult to 
> clone.
>> I
>> agree that entering a market by building it yourself is not a terribly high
>> hurdle. And yes, he's planning to release this as a hosted service, so there
>> are not GPL issues to worry about.
>> For the sake of argument, would you consider a theme to be a module under
>> this interpretation of the GPL? If not, why?
> We don't consider themes to be modules under the GPL because the graphic 
> look and feel are part of a client's identity/brand identity. The way 
> Drupal separates functionality from output makes this an even easier 
> split. Our developer agreement deals with themes differently from code; 
> all code is GPL, where themes are not.

That depends on which part of a theme you are talking about.
template.php and friends interact with Drupal in the same way as a
module does (albeit not returning data). If you are referring to the CSS
and the little images, then yes, that's different.

Note that this really doesn't matter since nobody will release a unique
theme that they spent a lot of time and money on. If you don't release
your code, then you don't need to license it under GPL. This applies for
modules too.

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