[consulting] Selling Modules

Boris Mann boris at bryght.com
Wed Mar 21 01:30:54 UTC 2007

On 3/20/07, sime <info at urbits.com> wrote:
> Thanks Gerhard
> So correcting my own statement: I can sell proprietary code that is
> compatible with drupal - but just don't distribute it with drupal. (?)

Sell =! license. You can sell any code you like, whenever. If it is
GPL code, you are only likely to sell it (some limited number of

If you make a module, it must be GPL (IANAL, YMMV...that's my current
understanding). The GPL is "triggered" if you distribute
(give/copy/leave the bounds of your organization) that code, then
anyone can request the "source" code. (Source in quotes because of
PHP's natural source).

As I stated earlier, a GPL "glue code" module that talks through an
interface to external code is a way to "get around" not being able to
distribute proprietary modules.

Boris Mann
Vancouver 778-896-2747
San Francisco 415-367-3595
Skype borismann

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