[consulting] Contract > Developer liable for bugs?

Steve Ringwood nevets at mailbag.com
Wed Aug 6 23:16:31 UTC 2008

    I have had a few contracts that had lines like
>  "The Consultant will also be responsible for any damage, loss or
>    liability (whether criminal or civil) of or suffered by  the
>    Company
    and have always either had the contract modified to not include the 
language or
    not taken the job.   People will say it is "standard language" but I 
point out
    that is it vague and as the consultant a possible time/money pit 
should someone
    decide to try and enforce such a clause.   Part of the problem is 
the wording
    is often such it would a) include problems in Drupal core and b) 
often covers
    possible problems due to the clients choices about the web site.


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