[consulting] preparing clients for Drupal 5 obsolesence

Susan Stewart hedgemage at binaryredneck.net
Tue Mar 10 18:38:52 UTC 2009

Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg wrote:
>> So it's not about driving clients away or not: it's about satisfying
> concrete requirements with good engineering.
> Point taken, and I agree to a large degree, though with a caveat. I, for
> one, almost never go into a project thinking that the clients knows what
> their requirements are (at least on the technical side), which is why
> they've decided to hire Drupal experts- to help translate their business
> goals into a technical reality. I usually flinch when I talk to a
> potential client that "knows" what their technical requirements are
> prior to working with devs who understand the subtleties involved in the
> tech decision making process (this is not always the case- we have some
> incredible clients that do in fact know exactly what they want/need on
> the technical side).

I couldn't agree more, Alex.


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