[consulting] Input Filter Module for mdash: Does it Exist?

Shai Gluskin shai at content2zero.com
Wed Sep 30 17:53:15 UTC 2009

Hey folks,

On one of my sites there is an editor who loves putting in parenthetical
phrases in his sentences using what should be an mdash. But instead he uses
a single, double or even a triple hyphen, sometimes surrounded by spaces,
sometimes not. I want to train him to use a double hyphen that I want to
replace with an mdash (—) via an input filter.

Does something like that exist?

FYI to clean up old content I'm going to use the scanner
module<http://drupal.org/project/scanner>which looks great. If I find
or write an input filter for the mdash, it's
likely that when I clean up the old content, I'll just make the double
hyphen presentation consistent and not actually put the character entity
code in the database.

Content2zero <http://content2zero.com>
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