[development] Hook_menu_alter doesn't work if menu item changed

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Apr 27 16:54:21 UTC 2009

Quoting Earl Miles <merlin at logrus.com>:

> Chris Johnson wrote:
>> I have to agree with Nancy.  Re-weighting a menu item does not qualify
>> as customized, IMO.  Otherwise, I agree it works as designed.
> The thing is, the system can only tell that there's an entry in the  
> table, not what part of the item has been modified. I ran into this  
> in some completely unrelated piece of code, where I ended up storing  
> weights separately so that moving an item up or down didn't  
> constitute modifying it, and it is a lot of extra code just to do  
> that.

So the menu item becomes partially disconnected from the module.  This  
isn't a good thing.  Thanks, Earl, I think you explained something I  
noticed with a custom module I'm creating.  Drove me nuts until I  
directly deleted a menu item that shouldn't exist after the module was  
uninstalled.  I couldn't delete it via the menu UI at all.  The menu  
item caused unpredictable actions when the module was reactivated or  
the menu cache was rebuilt and I was going bonkers trying to fix a  
problem caused by something as simple as changing the item's weight  
via the UI.

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