[documentation] Help reset doc issue queue components

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Fri Aug 29 08:55:24 UTC 2008

Hello all,

We have changed the doc issue queue component list pursuant to the  
issue I referred to last week (http://drupal.org/node/236767). I've  
posted a notice about it to the d.o forums (http://drupal.org/node/301443 
) as well to inform as many people in the community as I can. As  
mentioned in that post, the main thing that we need to do is start  
marching though the queue and resetting components. Feel free to pick  
a page and run through a few as you have time. I'mmost concerned about  
hitting the newer issues since they are most likely to be active and  
cause the most consternation for folks that don't know what's going  
on. :-) We'll be slating this as a task to do on Sunday during the  
sprint as well, but please don't wait if you have time prior to then.

Thanks to everyone that helped on the issue and really think this will  
be one of those small things that makes our work easier.

- Addi (add1sun)

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