[documentation] Where do old handbook pages go to die?

catch catch56 at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 4 12:36:04 UTC 2008

I think an exception should be made for upgrade/update documentation - there
are certainly plenty of 4.7 sites around, perhaps some from earlier as well.
The easier that documentation is to find, the easier it is to get those
sites properly updated. Most of this information is centrally located at
http://drupal.org/update already of course, the only suggestion I'd make is
moving pre-4.7 (i.e. unsupported) versions under an 'older versions' page to
make the top level a bit shorter.

Otherwise, a concerted effort to remove references to and dedicated pages
for unsupported versions would be great - as well as properly tagging up to
date documentation with 5.x/6.x to make this task easier at a later date.

Since doc team members can't delete/unpublish pages, and something like
http://drupal.org/node/10858 may possibly need updating rather than removing
completely - could we start one central documentation issue on 'outdated
pages' and add a standard note at the top of the page which identifies it as
'marked for removal'? That way if a few people end up working on this, it'd
avoid some duplication of work, and allow for pages to be rescued before
they disappear.
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