[documentation] Summary and log of Sept. 14 IRC meeting

Addison Berry drupal at rocktreesky.com
Mon Sep 15 19:55:23 UTC 2008

Here is the IRC log from the meeting: http://pastebin.com/f183bcc8d

We had several announcements at the beginning of the meeting and then  
we hit the two agenda items. As usual if I missed anything in here or  
others have feedback/thoughts, feel free to add to this summary.  
Thanks to all who attended.

New read-only group page: http://groups.drupal.org/documentation-team
KDI proposal for doc sprints: http://groups.drupal.org/node/14669
The d.o redesign underway: http://groups.drupal.org/drupal-org-redesign-analysis
- Ways to help out with the redesign: http://groups.drupal.org/node/14643
- D.o Wireframe game: http://www.disambiguity.com/drupalorg-come-wireframe-with-me/
Webchick wants feedback on the D7 help text system. She'll be posting  
to the list soon with more details, but one issue to jump in on is at http://drupal.org/node/299050

Getting involved handbook
The Getting involved book needs to get pushed over the finish line. We  
need to flech out the issues for it. Many people are unsure of exactly  
what to do, so we decided that having a few short virtual sprints  
specifically focused on the Getting involved book would help. We will  
be scheduling those later this week. The goal is to officially create  
the new book and announce it to the community by Sept 28.

A discussion that arose from this was how difficult it is to keep  
track of all of the projects and dates for doc team work. We agreed  
that getting a more streamlined and public way of our ongoing work and  
meetings would be desired. We will create a small "working group" of  
folks interested in sorting that out and implementing. emmajane has  
started a thread for that.

Opening editing rights to auth. users
The majority decision on this point is to open the editing rights to  
all auth users for a one month test period. There are a few things we  
would like in place prior to doing that, namely getting Moshe's path  
linking to diffs from the Latest updates page and requiring the  
revision log to be filled out when editing. We also looked at an issue  
on the idea of having a delay period for new users  http://drupal.org/node/307650 
, though this will take a while to implement and so won't happen  
before the initial trial. Anyone interested in this feature should  
chime in on the thread so we can nail down a direction and work on the  
code to make it happen on d.o. The biggest thing that needs to happen  
now is getting the infra team on board to implement the change.

Getting involved (GI):
- Get GI issues filled out: http://drupal.org/project/issues?projects=18753&text=Contrib%20Redesign 
- Set new docs vocab: http://drupal.org/node/304826
- Do some GI sprints: I'll send a followup email out re: sprint  
- Post to d.o front page re: handbook reorg: We can write this up once  
we get closer

Opening edit rights:
- Check with infra about the next steps to implement: I'll do that  
this week
- Get recent updates patch going: http://drupal.org/node/304667 (need  
to check with Moshe on this)
- Get required revision log patch done: http://drupal.org/node/308675
- Write up an announcement for d.o front page

New tasks:
mechfish created an issue for a Recent updates RSS feed: http://drupal.org/node/308354
emmajane has started a thread about schedule/calendar issues: http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/documentation/2008-September/006267.html

- Addi (add1sun)

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