[drupal-support] Workflow in 4.6.x?

Nicolas Tostin nicolast at logis.com.mx
Mon Aug 15 22:30:24 UTC 2005

> Would pulling the 4.5.x version and following the 'upgrading your
> moduless' steps at http://drupal.org/node/12347 be sensible?
That should be a good way to deal with it, it will teach you some drupal
internals ;)
looking at CVS :
http://cvs.drupal.org/viewcvs/drupal/contributions/modules/workflow/ I saw
that last version is 8 days old, so I don't  know why a 4.6.x version hasn't
been released.
I guess that's because the maintainer ( John VanDyk ) is pretty busy working
at the CCK (I can't stand the wait... see http://drupal.org/cck-status)

> I'm surprised the basic ability for posts to have draft/published
> status isn't a huge issue for many people - even Movable Type has had
> this for years! That's all I'm needing at this point; fancy triggers and
> actions would be nice someday, but the basics would suffice.

I'm not sure you understood the objective of workflow module, it's not to
provide draft/published status for node, this exists for a long time, the
purpose was to provide a way to change the node status using the action

So check your drupal install, when you create a node, (if you get the right
permissions of course), you can set it's status to published, promoted to



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