[drupal-support] Workflow in 4.6.x?

Todd Grimason todd at slack.net
Tue Aug 16 00:26:53 UTC 2005

* Nicolas Tostin [2005-08-15 18:33]:
> I'm not sure you understood the objective of workflow module, it's not to
> provide draft/published status for node, this exists for a long time, the
> purpose was to provide a way to change the node status using the action
> module.
> So check your drupal install, when you create a node, (if you get the right
> permissions of course), you can set it's status to published, promoted to
> front....

Right, but in my case I have authors who need to be able to publish
their own work - which as far as I can tell, only happens when I set the
default to "Published" for the appropriate content types, since authors
don't see the "Admin Options" that include "Publish" unless I give them
free reign over the site ("administer nodes").

So if I set the default to be not published ("Published" unchecked),
then they're kind of saving a draft, but can't publish it...

And if I'm wrong and this is possible with the current setup I have,
it's *way* too complicated.

Thanks again for any help.


toddgrimason*todd[ at ]slack.net

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