[support] Aggregator - unable to update items for Movabletype blogs

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at winnefox.org
Thu Aug 3 17:29:56 UTC 2006


I'm running drupal 4.7.3 on a redhat 4.0 AS server. I'm also running
Movabletype 3.31 on the same server.

In Drupal, I'm using the aggregator module to add Movabletype feeds to
my site.

I add one in, here:

When I click on update items, it gives me this error:
The RSS-feed from Kidslit seems to be broken, because of error "403

That feed address works in any feed reader I've tried, but not from
within Drupal.

Are there some settings I need to change in MT to get that to work?

- jody

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