[support] Wrapping around a cgi script

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 00:26:48 UTC 2006


I apologize for asking what may be a dump question or one that has been
answered before, i have searched the archive and the web for an answer but
maybe i am looking for the wrong terms, i can't find what I'm trying to
figure out.

I have written a cgi that generates html.  I would very much like to make
this cgi be a node in drupal, or if thats not possible maybe a "block"?  I
just would like to have my cgi generate the center of the home page with
drupal blocks around it, and then any click on the drupal blocks replaces
my cgi content with whatever would normally be there, and any clicks in my
cgi remain in that area of the screen.  Normally I would use a frame but
everything I find about frames and drupal says "Dont Do It".

Am I missing something terribly obvious, or is this impossible, or am I just
slow today?

Thanks for any advice
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