[support] Wrapping around a cgi script

Jason Flatt drupal at oadae.net
Wed Feb 8 04:06:06 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 07 February 2006 04:26 pm, Aaron Wolfe wrote:
> Hello,
> I apologize for asking what may be a dump question or one that has been
> answered before, i have searched the archive and the web for an answer but
> maybe i am looking for the wrong terms, i can't find what I'm trying to
> figure out.
> I have written a cgi that generates html.  I would very much like to make
> this cgi be a node in drupal, or if thats not possible maybe a "block"?  I
> just would like to have my cgi generate the center of the home page with
> drupal blocks around it, and then any click on the drupal blocks replaces
> my cgi content with whatever would normally be there, and any clicks in my
> cgi remain in that area of the screen.  Normally I would use a frame but
> everything I find about frames and drupal says "Dont Do It".
> Am I missing something terribly obvious, or is this impossible, or am I
> just slow today?
> Thanks for any advice
> -Aaron

It seems to me that something should be possible, however I am not experienced 
enough to offer anything other than shots in the dark.  I have no idea if it 
would work or not, but what I would try is to create a node that had full PHP 
filtering on and use some sort of PHP exec funtion:


Maybe shell_exec()?

Jason Flatt
Father of Six:  http://www.flattfamily.com/ (Joseph, 13; Cramer, 11; Travis, 
9; Angela; Harry, 5; and William, 12:04 am, 12-29-2005)
Linux User:     http://www.sourcemage.org/
Drupal Fanatic: http://drupal.org/

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