[support] Ping and Drupal modules

Karthik narakasura at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 15:06:24 UTC 2006

Forgot to cc: the list.

> I use the cPanel to install Drupal sites and have no limit on the databases
> that can be used.  The shared database option, from what I read, was for
> sites where the number of databases is limited to a small number, correct?
> It seems easier to just setup different Drupal installs.

No, it basically allows you to use a single code-base to run multiple
sites, using single/multiple databases, By _sharing_ appropriate
database _tables_ you can make certain aspects common to all sites in
your setup. You will also be able to share modules, or use specific
modules for each site.

This effectively allows you to avoid duplication, provide centralised
services and will make management a breeze (as you will effectively be
managing only one install).

> Are there other tools, aka modules for creating "community" sites,
> recognizing that indeed Drupal is made to be used in a "Community website?"
> Again this could be extended functionality within a single Drupal install or
> among other Drupal sites?
> Also, I wanted to see about setting up the site to ping specific sites,
> similar to how a blog would do so, or any syndicated site?  Are there a
> number of different sites that I might want to ping?  And how do I tell
> Drupal, my drupal install(s), to ping these sites.

Drupal module in core, trackback module etc. Please have a browse
through the modules page.

Lastly, I _highly_ recommend that you (search beforehand and) ask
these questions on the fora. You will very likely get more opinions,
along with examples and such..


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