[support] How to make drupal friendly to Wordpress / blog users?

dondi_2006 dondi_2006 at libero.it
Tue Jan 17 14:52:00 UTC 2006


I have to build a new website. Initially I considered
wordpress, then I realized that Drupal is better for
the way I must/want manage and categorize content.

The reason to consider wordpress was that all blogging
software make very easy to bloggers (= web surfers who do
not know and do not want to know php, html, mysql....) to
trackback, pingback, discover new articles through
technoratic, pingomatic and similar, write about
them and cross link them...

In a nutshell, I had the impression that I should use a
blog tool not because it was best for *me* as the
publisher: only to make it much easier and faster for the
non technical web user to discover and cross-reference
(=advertise!) my own pages from their blogs: you know,
to provide all the trackback, pingback, permalink stuff
etc... that they already know from *their* own wordpress/
MT/whatever installation.

So the question is, if/how it is possible to make a Drupal
Website look/act like another blog from this point of view?
Which settings, plugins, whatever?

Also, can you provide URLs of drupal-powered websites which
already do this, so I can see the final effect?

Thanks in advance for any feedback,


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