[support] Payment system

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Tue Jul 4 07:58:29 UTC 2006

Op zondag 2 juli 2006 17:30, schreef Gina Rydland:
> Hi all!
> I am going to have a membership fee on my web site,
> and need to have a simple way for people to pay their membership.
> Is there any support for this in Drupal?
> Any advice?
> Best Gina

Your question is a very complex one and certainly needs to be chopped up (by 
you) into a lot of smaller sub-questions. What payment method? Who decides 
when someone has payed. What workflow did you envision? Who is "member". 

But most impotatant, please do not reply to other messages. This breaks the 
threading of discussions. Even when you remove all the text from the mail you 
reply to, your headers still contain the information about the reply!


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