[support] variable_get and tests

kaens apatheticagnostic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 10 20:21:07 UTC 2006


Man this is driving me nuts. Here's my logic, tell me if it's wrong:
$form['autorole_settings'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes',
                                   '#title' => t('Vocabularies to
auto-generate roles for'),
                                   '#default_value' => variable_get(
'autorole_settings', 0),
                                   '#options' => $vocabularies,
                                   '#description' => t('Which vocabularies
to auto-generate roles for'))

Is in the _settings hook. This means that when someone goes and changes
this, it gets stored in the variabe database table. It is. It is stored as
serialized data in the form a3;{i:3;i:3;i:2;i:0;i:1;i:0;}, which means that
it is an array with three elements - then the key => value pairs, which are
all integers.

I get this vaiable with a call to variable_get('autorole_settings', 0),
which should return the serialized data.
I then unserialize the data which (for the serialized data above,) should
give me an array like so:

$unserialized = array(3 => 3, 2 => 0, 1 => 0);

Now, I should be able to iterate over that array with foreach.
foreach($unserialized as $vocab => $option) {
    //if an options value is zero, it is not selected
        if($option != 0) {
        $terms[] = module_invoke('taxonomy','get_tree', $vocab);

Since the options in the form were generated by a call to
taxonomy_get_vocabularies, $vocab in the foreach call should correspond to
the vocabularie's vid. - so I can populate the variable $terms with the term
data through the call to taxonomy_get_tree. Now I should have a list of
terms that are contained within the vocabularies that were selected to be

The part that assigns the roles is called by profile.module in the
profile_save_profile function. My module checks to see if it's a vocabulary
(which I'll be moving that into profile, probably....but anyhow), and then
checks to make sure that the field title - which is the name of the term, is
a member of terms with
if($field->type == 'vocabulary' && in_array($field->title, $terms))

Now, I can not for the life of me figure out why it is that if I select one
vocabulary, it assigns roles for all vocabularies. The data in the variable
table is correct, and as far as I can tell, the logic is as well. Maybe I
need to run it through a debugger and trace it....any suggestions? On what's
going on, or a good tracer, or anything?
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