[support] how to make drupal admin section https only?

dondi_2006 dondi_2006 at libero.it
Tue Jun 13 21:17:13 UTC 2006

> Gordon can comment on his module, but anytime you want to be sure you  
> are encrypting from one page to another is to check the url in the  
> <form action=.... statement. If the url has https:// you are posting  
> via ssl. 

I know. I am asking because I probably won't have the possibility to install the module and test it before saturday...

> Once Drupal realizes that you are requesting a page that needs https://,
> it redirects you immediately.

Yes, but it should realize it _before_ I request it. That is, it should
generate html code with an https URL every time it (re) generates a page
with a form pointing to the admin section. Even if it won't be used.
This was the sense of my question. Is this what actually happens with that


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