[support] Updating from 4.5.2 (in CivicSpace distro) to 4.6.7 Drupal

blogdiva at culturekitchen.com blogdiva at culturekitchen.com
Tue May 30 02:54:26 UTC 2006

And of course, there's an error message (those who've heard of me  
know I'm jinxed)

> Fatal error: Unknown column 'severity' in 'field list' query:  
> INSERT INTO civsp_watchdog (uid, type, message, severity, link,  
> location, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (1, 'php', 'Table  
> 'liza_dailygotham_2.civsp_queue' doesn't exist 
> \nquery: SELECT uid, vote FROM civsp_queue WHERE nid = 1856 in / 
> home/liza/domains/dailygotham.com/public_html/NEW/includes/ 
> database.mysql.inc on line 66.', 2, '', '/NEW/index.php',  
> '', 1148953436) in /home/liza/domains/dailygotham.com/ 
> public_html/NEW/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 66

I've followed the following instructions to the t :


And here's where I got in trouble : When I read step #6, I assumed it  
meant the latest version of 4.6 not the actual 4.6.0. is this a  
correct assumption? That I will have to upgrade to 4.6.0 first before  
going on to 4.6.7?

What do I do now? I did not get any blaring red messages after the DB  
upgrade; but, am I supposed to get an update after each date  
annotated by the program?

Also, would it be possible to fix this extremely important page by  
linking each version to the actual download page I'd have to go to?

Liza Sabater, Publisher

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