[support] accessibility of drupal sites

Greg Knaddison - GVS Greg at GrowingVentureSolutions.com
Wed Oct 18 03:43:53 UTC 2006

On 10/17/06, Mohammed Al-shar' <mohammed at atexplorer.com> wrote:
> I hope I will be of help in this regard. I am blind myself, and has been
> using drupal for sometime now.

That will certainly be helpful if you can provide additional specific
examples of ways to improve Drupal's accessibility.

> -----
>  There is a module somewhere that allows you do change the size of the
> font, IIRC. It should be easy to extend to change the contrast too by
>  switching to a different theme. There is a switchtheme module which might
> be usable for this.
> ------
> can you help me locate that IIRC module? I don't seem to be able to find it.
> as for the theme switcher, I don't like to do this as struggling with one
> theme for Arabic "rtl" and English "ltr" has been very troublesom. how ever,
> I think that making different versions of the same theme with different
> color and font size companations might work. understandably, I hate to
> struggle with colors myself as I haven't finished the task of modifying the
> current stylesheet to more blue, and wouldn't mind, will actually apreciate,
> a hand in doing this.

I think Killes meant IIRC to be "If I Remember Correctly".  Here is a
link to a page which discusses a fontsize module:
http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/fontsize and has links to a version
of that module.  In my experience, the module doesn't work very
reliably (hence it's unmaintained/sandbox status).  You may want to
resurrect it and work to improve it.  Part of that unreliable nature
is probably that the module requires the theme to have certain
features which are not always available.

Also, the Meta theme has this feature: http://drupal.org/node/43376
which could be used as an example.

I think it would be great if there were a theme that catered
specifically to people with bad eyesight and/or who are blind.  I
imagine that there are some Drupal themes which do reasonable well in
this regard, but making one that had that as its main goal would
certainly provide the best solution.


Greg Knaddison | Growing Venture Solutions
Denver, CO | http://growingventuresolutions.com
Technology Solutions for Communities, Individuals, and Small Businesses

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