[support] Menu problem - sidebar menu items not getting wrapped in <ul>

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at winnefox.org
Fri Sep 8 13:54:25 UTC 2006


> I would hazard a guess that any issues would be in your css file.  
> With menu items, ul and li settings tend to be overridden by menu- 
> specific lists, including li.leaf, li.expanded, etc. I would look  
> there before breaking apart your php template files.

But, the stylesheet doesn't tell drupal to put in <ul> where there
should be a list. Does it? Just as a test, I removed the stylesheet, and
the problem still existed. Any normal block with links gets wrapped in
<ul></ul>, but any menu I've created, the lists within them are not
wrapped in <ul></ul>.

Is there anything else it could be?

- jody

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