[support] Automating logins from email notification

Zohar Stolar z.stolar at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 04:44:43 UTC 2007

If  you can change the url sent to the users, to contain the encrypted 
login information, then you could send them not directly to the content, 
but to another page, which will process the request.
Say, for example, the content is at node/67, you could send them first 
to /autologin/node/67, where you'll check the credentials, and pass the 
user on to node/67, without him/her having to do anything.

Ari Davidow wrote:

> We have several password-protected Drupal installations for use by 
> various groups connected to our organization. We have been using the 
> Notification module to let folks know when something new has been 
> posted. In actual practice, these sites are used so seldom that what 
> happens is that people receive the notification, can't remember how to 
> log in, and end up ignoring the notice (and the content) rather than 
> ask for help logging in (again).
> We think that one solution might be to send out the notifications such 
> that they include the login/password info encrypted, so that clicking 
> on the link takes someone into the website, already logged in. The 
> encrypted info would probably want to expire, say, within a week.
> This doesn't seem possible with the Notification module. Is there 
> something else that provides a similar service that we might use (some 
> comments on the Drupal forms suggested that og also sends 
> notifications, but it isn't clear if we can ease people's way to 
> getting into the site).
> Ideas?

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